Saint Joan of Arc is a parish of the United American Catholic Church and we stand by these words.
Since the United American Catholic Church's founding in 2002, we have welcomed all to gather at the Lord's Table and to fully participate in the Sacramental life and leadership of the Church. At our 2003 Synod, our Canon was revised with a unanimous vote to affirm the Sacramentality of same-sex marriage. Over the years, UACC parishes, ministries, and clergy have consistently supported the LGBTQ community. They have been a visible presence at local Gay Pride festivals, hosting support groups for youth, and in celebrating weddings and baptisms with same-sex couples and their families. The UACC has been present in prayer and support for the LGBTQ community in the aftermath of hate-based violence, including the 2006 Back Street Cafe shooting in Roanoke, VA. In 2019, we committed ourselves to seek a deeper and more visible understanding of what it means to be "welcoming" and to formally declare ourselves an Open, Affirming, and Caring Church.
We hold fast to the understanding that all of humankind, in all the richness of our diversity, is created in the Image and Likeness of God (Genesis 1: 26), and we dedicate ourselves to caring for the needs of all people (Matthew 25:34-36). Every day, we strive to live the Great Commandment fully, love our God, and love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:28-34). We seek to fully embrace Paul's teaching that our worldly differences are not an obstacle to our oneness in Christ (Galatians 3:28). In fact, as the Psalmist says, each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). Thus, we must refrain from judging one another and from creating barriers for others seeking to grow in their faith (Romans 14:13).
UACC – An OPEN Church
As a community of faith the United American Catholic Church openly welcome, affirm, and promise to carefully tend our relationships with people of all races, all ages, all marital standings, all gender identities, all sexual orientations, all physical and mental abilities, all economic statuses and all nationalities. We acknowledge the history of institutional condemnation and exclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, and questioning persons. We are committed to ending such discrimination.
Because the LGBTQ community has been particularly singled out for exclusion and discrimination within many Church communities, we actively and explicitly affirm the Sacred Worth of all LGBTQ people. We welcome and affirm the gifts that each person brings to our community, and we welcome all into the full life and ministry of our community of faith, as laity, religious, and clergy. Furthermore, we understand that being open and affirming means being open to growth. We commit ourselves to the process of growing ever more rooted in our identity and journey together as a Church.
By our faith as Christians, we are called to be a people of welcome and care to all who have been traumatized or injured by religion, especially the LGBTQ community. We strive to offer a place of safety and healing. We commit to updating our Church language, including our Canons and Liturgies to be fully inclusive. We commit to being visibly present in supporting organizations that serve our local LGBTQ communities as well as being present and offering support via social media channels.
We will continue to build up vocations in the LGBTQ community, offer healthy and positive formation in preparation for ordination, and support and affirm LGBTQ clergy at all levels of the Church and local ministries.
We welcome all into full membership and participation as children of God, and we affirm and celebrate all loving, committed relationships. As we value diversity, we are guided by the inspiration of Jesus of Nazareth. Our purpose is to help each other live lives of spiritual growth through worship, study, and service. We offer ministry that does not judge by externals but focuses on who we all can become in Christ.